Saturday, September 1, 2012

Broken story

I met this guy..
Eyes darkest brown..
Skin  milky soft..

Intelligent and funny..
He helped me through my hell..
He said he didn't love me..
Although he ment well..

I could'nt come to grips with the feelings ..
I felt..
So I just thought, I could disappear..
No longer would he'd find me on earth.

Then I decided to stick around..
But my heart was to fragile to remain.
In this pain..
So I wrote a love letter to my friend...
It read..


Monday, July 16, 2012


Why did you come?
Where are you taking me?
I'm confused and scared..
On this journey..
Let me off this ride..
It's not fun anymore..
What is it called..
My soul can't bear it anymore..

So familiar all the memories before me..
Smiles and laughter..
The thought's of happily ever after's..
I can see them slippin away ..
Please stop !
I want to go back to that station...
I just can't stand seeing all this devestation..
Please take me back !
To where the sun risen over the meadow..

-to be continued 

Bring your kisses back

The silky smoothness..
Cala lily breeze..
Hydrangea perfume..
Nestling Honey bees..
Many thoughts came to my mind..
That cool summer night..
When you grabbed my face and held it tight..

Pressed your lips against mines..
As neither of us gasped for air..
Gentle yet oh so right..
The way you kissed me that night..

Your hands, In my hair oh yes right there..
I feel your skin so beautiful..
Felt as though I was Floating..
The clouds.. Yes the clouds..
Is where I had to be..
Up in them ..You and Me..

 I didn't feel your kisses anymore.
I didn't feel a thing..
Bring the feelings back..
With your kisses again!


I sit here.. And I lay awake..
Thinking of many things..
That causes a person to break..
Sometimes we go through life ..
And struggle through the very hell..
Some people push through..
You never can tell..
On my window payne I sat and watched ..
As the thunder roared, and roared..
Grieve stricken and heart broken..
Pain was a thing I'd no longer could endure..
So I thought of many ways..
To heal my pain..
Crying out loud, just going insane..
Couldn't even fathem the idea of the two..
Reluctently I called  out to you..
Thinking of what we had before..
Telling you , I'd count the ways ..
I love you ...
If I could just have one more..
Chance to be there for you..
Insisting you come back to me, 
Loosing my grip on reality.. Nothing is right anymore..
My heart hurts.. to the very core..
Then the beep came .. My message was sent..
And I still sit here broken...
And waiting..
I love you...

This is my poetry blog, I love to write and play with my friends on here and twitter as well  @newmereena..
I'm a artist for I have felt and I have done.. I see the happy side of every story.. But also feel the dark side of every tragedy.. So take a seat and I hope you enjoy!